It all began with a bang. He could remember that much, at least. A long, echoing explosion, like a thunderclap, that seemed to roll around earth and sky. He remembered how he had caught his breath, and how his pulse had raced at the sound... But after that—what else remained in his memory? Nothing. At least—nothing that made any sense. The Doctor sat quite still and tried to collect his thoughts. What had happened? How had he come to be here? And, most important of all, where was he?
~ Peter Ling, Doctor Who - The Mind Robber.
Welcome aboard!
The Divergent Wordsmiths are an international, fan-based Doctor Who writing community. Fanfiction is our watchword. Time and Space, our canvas.
Since we began in 2017, we've been interested in exploring the myriad tales and countless wonders of the Doctor Who Universe. Or, rather, that should be Universes. Plural. A bit of everything. Here and there. There and here. Everywhere. With an interest in it all. From Axons to Zarbi. Our fanzine content is fan-driven and non-commercial. That means two things. Firstly, our stories are always be available online through this website. Secondly, it is always available for free. We are a port of call for Doctor Who fans who want the latest adventures, but cannot necessarily afford it. With a stellar group of imaginative minds, we've published over 50 short stories, three full-length fanzine novels and a variety of essays and articles. Our stories feature the familiar changing faces of Doctor Who to much-loved but not often seen curios like Frobisher, the Valeyard or alternative Unbound Doctors. We are a fanzine community that is both divergent and diverse. A safe place for neurodivergent and rainbow contributors. For newcomers, we've been a way to help build confidence and take writing to the next level. And, as long-time veterans, it's a chance to slip into comfortable slippers and think outside the blue box in new and unconventional ways. Whether it's through Doctors found in the familiar glow of a television set to the wild frontiers of the imagination... All of it can be found here at Divergent Wordsmiths. ~Vworp, vworp! Alan Camlann Publisher for Divergent Wordsmiths |