Fairy tales are cautionary tales...
Starring the Sixth Doctor, Peri and Frobisher
Starring the Sixth Doctor, Peri and Frobisher
Time always found ways to fight back. On the planet Peladon, something stirs in its stormswept peaks. For the Doctor, Peri and Frobisher, it's a trial by ordeal as they attempt to survive a world yet to reach out towards the stars. Stolen to the medieval world by forces beyond their control, the TARDIS trio are separated. The Doctor, marooned in the Village of Walpole, attempts to keep the Pels alive under the Citadel's tyranny. Peri drudges away in the castle's kitchens, while Frobisher entertains the ruthless king as his droll. All three prisoners of history. But the Long Cold draws nearer and it may soon be time for Peladon to make sacrifices. Have the Doctor, Peri and Frobisher arrived on the eve of disaster? Full Version:
This novel can be read with no prior knowledge of this Doctor or his companions.
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Author Commentary:
Author CommentarIES for "THE GHOSTS OF PELADON" (*Spoilers) by alan camlann and afj kernow
Alan Camlann
Below are several choice morsels of interesting trivia concerning the development of Doctor Who - The Ghosts of Peladon:
Below are several choice morsels of interesting trivia concerning the development of Doctor Who - The Ghosts of Peladon:
- Believe it or not, the Sixth Doctor, Peri and Frobisher's journey to Peladon was almost entirely unexpected. The Ghosts of Peladon began, originally, as a short story intended for A Sparkle of Doctors: Volume 1. However, it soon became clear, during the development process, that a much richer tale remained to be told. To that end, this novella features a prominent element of that collection in a cameo appearance. As well as a nod to The Time Lord All Tattered and Torn. A tale yet to come for the Sixth Doctor.
- The village of Walpole owes its name to one of the first originators of Gothic fiction, Horace Walpole. Author of The Castle of Otranto. Similarly, its sister village, Stokebram, is a distortion of another prominent author in the genre, Bram Stoker of Dracula fame. There's more than a touch of Hammer Horror to the tale told here.
- Numerous characters have been "fantasy cast" for this adventure. Cook was initially envisioned as being "played" by Lotte Lenya of From Russia with Love fame, but as she grew, she bears more than a little in common with actress Kate Mulgrew's performances. Similarly, the character of Trojak was shaped to be the antithesis of Gareth Thomas's more ennobled appearances as Roj Blake from Blake's 7. Malpesh initially began as quite a sinister character, but evolved into a mousey and endearing fellow, likely played by Geoffrey Bayldon.
- The novel actually has two endings. One for those who'd prefer to end in Gothic darkness and a further epilogue devised for those seeking something lighter and more comforting.
AFJ Kernow
"The Ghosts of Peladon is dedicated to Brian Hayles, creator of Peladon, Aggedor and its fascinating history. His novelisation of The Curse of Peladon expands the television version. You can easily picture the moody, flame-lit corridors, the religious fervour of Hepesh and the youthful enthusiasm of Peladon. The multi-coloured changes of Alpha Centauri, depending on its mood, are lovingly described too.
The version of Peladon in our story is more primitive and brutal than that we saw in The Curse of Peladon. King Peliak is a cruel despot compared to the more enlightened King Peladon. More recently, Peladon’s story has been extended by Big Finish Productions and other Doctors, besides Jon Pertwee’s Third incarnation, have visited the planet.
The Doctor has a great deal of fondness for Peladon, and we too look forward to more stories from Aggedor’s homeworld."
"The Ghosts of Peladon is dedicated to Brian Hayles, creator of Peladon, Aggedor and its fascinating history. His novelisation of The Curse of Peladon expands the television version. You can easily picture the moody, flame-lit corridors, the religious fervour of Hepesh and the youthful enthusiasm of Peladon. The multi-coloured changes of Alpha Centauri, depending on its mood, are lovingly described too.
The version of Peladon in our story is more primitive and brutal than that we saw in The Curse of Peladon. King Peliak is a cruel despot compared to the more enlightened King Peladon. More recently, Peladon’s story has been extended by Big Finish Productions and other Doctors, besides Jon Pertwee’s Third incarnation, have visited the planet.
The Doctor has a great deal of fondness for Peladon, and we too look forward to more stories from Aggedor’s homeworld."
"Frobisher, meanwhile, waddled down the hallways of the Citadel alone, trying to find a quiet place to sleep."
Image by Doctor Who and the Midjourney
Image by Doctor Who and the Midjourney