Vengeance is a warm Quasar Cannon...
Starring the Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown and Frobisher
Starring the Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown and Frobisher
"A whole world murdered in flames..." On the planet Sarfenia, the Doctor, Peri and Frobisher are caught in the snare of Queen Melbud. A tyrannical ruler with a deadly weapon. The Quasar of Sarfenia. An atomic cannon capable of annihilating an entire world in the span of just a few moments. One world has already fallen. Who will be next? The answer lies in the dungeons beneath the royal court. With an old acquaintance of the Doctor from incarnations past. Becceri of the Gracelean people. On the run for so long, but forced home, at long last -- and with a new mission. One that must end in fire and death. For Becceri has been hunted for far too long. The Doctor and his two companions grapple, as well, with their own demons. The scars and damage of their encounter with the Daleks on Mandusus. What is Becceri's connection to Melbud? Why is the Queen so fascinated with Frobisher? And why would Peri shoot the Doctor? Full Version:
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This novel relies on prior knowledge of The Alchemists of Fear.
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Author Commentary:
Author CommentarY for "QUASAR OF SARFENIA" (*Spoilers) by TIM BRADLEY and alan camlann
Tim Bradley
"For those of who are new to The Sunfire Chronicles series of Doctor Who stories, Quasar of Sarfenia is the fourth and final instalment of the series with the previous three being The Horns of Wulfe, Romance and the Cow Creamer and The Race of Endurance.
I wanted to do a series of Doctor Who Short Trip adventures on Bradley’s Basement—my personal blog—featuring a variety of Doctors and companions. This is in collaboration with Simon Rogers, Xavier Downey, Alan Camlaan (publisher of the Divergent Wordsmiths) and AFJ Kernow (recurring contributor to the Divergent Wordsmiths).
The Horns of Wulfe features the Fourth Doctor, James Darby (created by me and Simon Rogers) and Bazoon Bazooie the Miggie (created by me). Romance and the Cow Creamer features the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Billy (created by me for my Fifth Doctor series on Bradley's Basement). The Race of Endurance features the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan and Michael (created by Xavier Downey). And Quasar of Sarfenia features the Sixth Doctor, Peri and Frobisher (who have featured prominently in many Divergent Wordsmiths stories, most recently in The Alchemists of Fear).
I introduced the character of Becceri in The Horns of Wulfe, who was initially a cat burglar-style of character that became based on Grace Kelly (suggested by Alan Camlaan and warmly approved by me). There was the introduction of the Sunfire Gem, and I introduced a Sontaran headhunter named Wulfe, who was in pursuit of Becceri throughout the first three stories. As the stories progressed, Becceri’s journey as a character evolved, especially in Quasar of Sarfenia where we find out what’s been happening with her home planet, why she stole the Sunfire Gem in the first place, and we’re introduced to Queen Melbud (who has a Kim Novak air to her) and Jimrock, Becceri’s lover (who you can imagine being a young version of John Nettles).
I’d like to thank Alan Camlaan for their contributions and suggestions to Quasar of Sarfenia as well as The Sunfire Chronicles overall. Their input has been valuable, and I’ve enjoyed checking out how they’ve expanded the story, especially when connecting the Sixth Doctor, Peri and Frobisher’s previous journey in The Alchemists of Fear, which turned out to be a dark adventure for the TARDIS trio involving the Daleks. You’re bound to find the aftermath of that adventure continuing in Quasar of Sarfenia, especially when the Sixth Doctor and Peri are interacting with Becceri and Jimrock, and when Frobisher interacts with Melbud."
Alan Camlann
"Working with Tim is a joy. He's an extraordinarily generous author who's allowed us to play in his sandpit with some of his beloved characters. You'll see my fingerprints all over Quasar of Sarfenia, but he's allowed us to contribute our brains to the entirety of Doctor Who - The Sunfire Chronicles. A particularly important privilege for myself, as I approached Quasar of Sarfenia with much-needed context for Becceri's prior adventures. After all, the grand finale should build on what's come before, no?
Speaking of Quasar of Sarfenia, specifically, my contributions came thick and fast for characterisation. It was an opportunity to sum up Becceri's tale in a noteworthy ka-boom, but also, dabble in the aftermath of The Alchemists of Fear. A Dalek story as could only be told with our Novels trio. It's been a tough adventure. Tougher than most. Our heroes—the Sixth Doctor, Peri and Frobisher—are all hurting after Mandusus. Tortured, poisoned, trapped. Quasar of Sarfenia gives them a much-needed spotlight. A chance to work through some of the damage and show why these friendships endure.
I'll say that one of the best moments between the Doctor and Peri occurs because of circumstances only to be found in Quasar of Sarfenia. Peri's shooting of the Doctor (my idea) emerged organically, logically and I think is a brilliant show of how far these characters have come since their televised debut. Frobisher also gets to perform a little detective work around Melbud's court. Speaking of which, Ayna emerged in revisions and is one of my favourite side characters. She spontaneously germinated as Frobisher's plot grew in scope. Much like the Catweazle-like Malpesh did for the Doctor in The Ghosts of Peladon.
Best of all, I think everyone is extremely well-served. Every character gets a moment in the spotlight. Tough conversations are had. Friendships are tested. A Quasar Cannon is fired... It has everything that a Doctor Who adventure can offer in a humble 25,000(ish) words.
We hope you enjoy reading Quasar of Sarfenia as much as we enjoyed writing it."
"For those of who are new to The Sunfire Chronicles series of Doctor Who stories, Quasar of Sarfenia is the fourth and final instalment of the series with the previous three being The Horns of Wulfe, Romance and the Cow Creamer and The Race of Endurance.
I wanted to do a series of Doctor Who Short Trip adventures on Bradley’s Basement—my personal blog—featuring a variety of Doctors and companions. This is in collaboration with Simon Rogers, Xavier Downey, Alan Camlaan (publisher of the Divergent Wordsmiths) and AFJ Kernow (recurring contributor to the Divergent Wordsmiths).
The Horns of Wulfe features the Fourth Doctor, James Darby (created by me and Simon Rogers) and Bazoon Bazooie the Miggie (created by me). Romance and the Cow Creamer features the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Billy (created by me for my Fifth Doctor series on Bradley's Basement). The Race of Endurance features the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan and Michael (created by Xavier Downey). And Quasar of Sarfenia features the Sixth Doctor, Peri and Frobisher (who have featured prominently in many Divergent Wordsmiths stories, most recently in The Alchemists of Fear).
I introduced the character of Becceri in The Horns of Wulfe, who was initially a cat burglar-style of character that became based on Grace Kelly (suggested by Alan Camlaan and warmly approved by me). There was the introduction of the Sunfire Gem, and I introduced a Sontaran headhunter named Wulfe, who was in pursuit of Becceri throughout the first three stories. As the stories progressed, Becceri’s journey as a character evolved, especially in Quasar of Sarfenia where we find out what’s been happening with her home planet, why she stole the Sunfire Gem in the first place, and we’re introduced to Queen Melbud (who has a Kim Novak air to her) and Jimrock, Becceri’s lover (who you can imagine being a young version of John Nettles).
I’d like to thank Alan Camlaan for their contributions and suggestions to Quasar of Sarfenia as well as The Sunfire Chronicles overall. Their input has been valuable, and I’ve enjoyed checking out how they’ve expanded the story, especially when connecting the Sixth Doctor, Peri and Frobisher’s previous journey in The Alchemists of Fear, which turned out to be a dark adventure for the TARDIS trio involving the Daleks. You’re bound to find the aftermath of that adventure continuing in Quasar of Sarfenia, especially when the Sixth Doctor and Peri are interacting with Becceri and Jimrock, and when Frobisher interacts with Melbud."
Alan Camlann
"Working with Tim is a joy. He's an extraordinarily generous author who's allowed us to play in his sandpit with some of his beloved characters. You'll see my fingerprints all over Quasar of Sarfenia, but he's allowed us to contribute our brains to the entirety of Doctor Who - The Sunfire Chronicles. A particularly important privilege for myself, as I approached Quasar of Sarfenia with much-needed context for Becceri's prior adventures. After all, the grand finale should build on what's come before, no?
Speaking of Quasar of Sarfenia, specifically, my contributions came thick and fast for characterisation. It was an opportunity to sum up Becceri's tale in a noteworthy ka-boom, but also, dabble in the aftermath of The Alchemists of Fear. A Dalek story as could only be told with our Novels trio. It's been a tough adventure. Tougher than most. Our heroes—the Sixth Doctor, Peri and Frobisher—are all hurting after Mandusus. Tortured, poisoned, trapped. Quasar of Sarfenia gives them a much-needed spotlight. A chance to work through some of the damage and show why these friendships endure.
I'll say that one of the best moments between the Doctor and Peri occurs because of circumstances only to be found in Quasar of Sarfenia. Peri's shooting of the Doctor (my idea) emerged organically, logically and I think is a brilliant show of how far these characters have come since their televised debut. Frobisher also gets to perform a little detective work around Melbud's court. Speaking of which, Ayna emerged in revisions and is one of my favourite side characters. She spontaneously germinated as Frobisher's plot grew in scope. Much like the Catweazle-like Malpesh did for the Doctor in The Ghosts of Peladon.
Best of all, I think everyone is extremely well-served. Every character gets a moment in the spotlight. Tough conversations are had. Friendships are tested. A Quasar Cannon is fired... It has everything that a Doctor Who adventure can offer in a humble 25,000(ish) words.
We hope you enjoy reading Quasar of Sarfenia as much as we enjoyed writing it."
Line ART FOR "QUASAR OF SARFENIA" (Spoiler-FREE) by Melodie Quinton